Therapeutic Aroma

Meet Our Founder

Dr. Nasim Ziaee, ND

Behind the harmonious blend of Therapeutic Aroma's candles lies the heart, soul, and expertise of Dr. Nasim Ziaee. Not just an accomplished Naturopathic Doctor with over 12 years of dedicated service, she is also a deeply spiritual and intuitive healer, constantly seeking the harmonious intertwining of the physical and ethereal realms. Dr. Nasim is a beacon of knowledge and passion, having immersed herself in the intricacies of herbalism, aromatherapy, Chinese medicine, and much more.

Blending Science with Spirit

Throughout her illustrious career, Dr. Nasim’s approach to Naturopathy has been anything but ordinary. While grounded in the rigorous science of herbal remedies, aromatherapy, and Chinese medicine, she possesses a unique flair – an intuitive touch guided by the vibrations of the universe. Her deep connection to the Nature and its energies has also led her to integrate the powerful resonance of crystals into her therapeutic repertoire. Drawing from her vast reservoir of expertise, Dr. Nasim Ziaee envisioned candles as more than just sources of light. For her, each candle is a meticulously crafted jewel, echoing the rhythms of nature and embodying the principles of balance, harmony, and health. Her profound understanding of Chinese medicine and its Five Elements deeply influenced the design, composition, and essence of each candle in Therapeutic Aroma's collection.

Love, Light, and Nature's Legacy

Harnessing the healing properties of herbs, the calming effects of essential oils, the steady resonance of crystals, and the age-old wisdom of Chinese medicine, she creates candles that are truly transformative. They don't just light up a room; they illuminate the soul, guiding those in their presence towards inner peace and well-being. Each handcrafted candle, infused with her spiritual insight and medical expertise, becomes a bridge – connecting the tangible with the intangible, the seen with the unseen. Join us in celebrating the ethereal journey of Dr. Nasim Ziaee, a trailblazer who has masterfully married the empirical with the esoteric, creating luminous pathways to holistic health and inner serenity.

Meet Our Co-Founder:
Dr. Sue Nazarali, Mc.D.

Complementing the deep-rooted naturopathic expertise of Dr. Nasim Ziaee is the equally profound wisdom of Therapeutic Aroma's co-founder, Sue Nazarali. As a seasoned life coach and holder of a doctoral degree in metaphysical Counseling, Sue Nazarali brings to the table a unique perspective on the interplay of mind, body, and the energies of the universe.

A Metaphysical Maven

Throughout her academic and professional journey, Sue Nazarali has delved deep into the understanding of existence, consciousness, and the cosmos. Her doctoral studies in metaphysics gave her profound insights into the nature of being and the universe, expanding her awareness of the energies that course through every atom and galaxy.

Harnessing the Power of Nature's Energies

Beyond her academic achievements, Sue Nazarali’s sensitivity to the energies of the natural world has been a guiding force in her life. From the vibrational frequencies of healing stones to the subtle energies of herbs, she possesses an innate ability to harness and channel nature's vast reservoir of power. This profound awareness extends to the candles of Therapeutic Aroma where her expertise ensures that each product is not just a source of light but a conduit of cosmic energy.

Guiding Souls, Illuminating Paths

As a life coach, Sue Nazarali has dedicated herself to guiding countless souls on their personal journeys. Her metaphysical insights, combined with her practical coaching techniques, have transformed lives, helping individuals find their purpose, align their energies, and achieve holistic well-being. With Therapeutic Aroma, she has found yet another avenue to spread light, hope, and balance, ensuring that every candle carries with it the promise of enlightenment, guidance, and harmony.

The Perfect Balance

Sue Nazarali's spiritual and metaphysical grounding perfectly complements Dr. Nasim Ziaee's Naturopathic knowledge, making them a dynamic duo. Together, they infuse Therapeutic Aroma's candles with a perfect blend of science, spirit, and the timeless wisdom of nature. Join us in embracing the vision of Sue Nazarali – a luminary who seamlessly marries the ethereal with the tangible, creating candles that resonate with the soul and the senses alike.